Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Week 5 - wikis

I've just finished the wiki segment and have really enjoyed it.
They seem like a great tool to use in libraries. It can be used to keep users up to date with upcoming events, but also allows for clients to make contributions and give their opinions, on the library's services, for example.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Week - RSS

This has proved to be a really useful tool and very easy to use. I had heard of RSS feeds before and knew what they did but had never really thought about their application for me.

I have found it easy to set up - the easiest task we've had to do yet - and have found lots of really interesting blogs and sites that I want to have updates on. I think it will be particularly useful for the news sites, as this will be a way to keep up with current affairs.

My main interest is cooking and there are thousands of blogs that you can subscribe to, which will be great.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Originally uploaded by Ferdinand Reus
Well, I'm hoping that this works and actually shows the photograph. I've read the comments from other bloggers and hope that I've solved the problem of the image not appearing by signing on to Flickr.
Fingers crossed.

I used to live in Africa and love this photo.

I was unaware that you were able to upload your photos to Flickr and keep them private, which is good to have the option. So it's a fantastic way to store your photos, as preservation of your images is a difficult thing.

Monday, September 1, 2008


I hope to learn about all this new technology and its applications by completing this course. I have heard of all these tools - blogs, wikis, ..... - but have never used them. I definitely want to keep up with technology and its advances and this seems like an ideal way to do it. I'm hoping that this will show ways that these tools can be incorporated into the library world with real life examples to provide inspiration.

I believe that we learn all our lives and should always be ready to investigate new things. I am also studying a masters in information and library studies so I feel this program will compliment my studying.

I still haven't really thought about useful applications for blogs. I am sure there are definite uses for them, both for library staff use and for contact with clients. The blogs can be used to provide information to the clients of the library and are very interactive and friendly, so hopefully they will appeal to the younger customers, as well as the older ones.

I still feel strange writing this and knowing that it will be posted on the internet for anyone to read - I think maybe it's a generational thing.