Monday, September 8, 2008

Week - RSS

This has proved to be a really useful tool and very easy to use. I had heard of RSS feeds before and knew what they did but had never really thought about their application for me.

I have found it easy to set up - the easiest task we've had to do yet - and have found lots of really interesting blogs and sites that I want to have updates on. I think it will be particularly useful for the news sites, as this will be a way to keep up with current affairs.

My main interest is cooking and there are thousands of blogs that you can subscribe to, which will be great.

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

RSS is great - and if you find you are receiving too much information you can either just delete the feeds for the day, or delete one of your subscriptions. RSS is a great way of finding out lots of trends and it can be great for encouraging ideas.

Ellen (PLS)